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About Us

Women of Gwinnett (WOG) is an organization for work at home women that was originally formed in Gwinnett County based on the plan and principles of Moms Network in January of 2002. 


Andrea Hermitt, a children's painted furniture and muralist, moved to Gwinnett County from New York, and realized she needed to network with other women in this area to grow her business. At the same time, Andrea saw the need and had the desire to support and promote moms who work out of their homes by providing networking opportunities and resources. 


At one of the first meetings, portrait artist and illustrator

Darla Dixon attended and became co-leader of the group.

The group has since grown, boasting over 50 members on our Yahoo Group.


Our meetings focus on sharing business information, providing support for women who have home businesses and children, and trying to handle both successfully.  There are currently over 80 members in the Gwinnett group, and we are always open to welcoming new members.

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Website Design and Webspace Donated by:
Darla Dixon Portrait Art and Illustration

Women Of Gwinnett * c/o PO Box 1755 * Snellville * GA * 30078