Paintings by Darla Dixon


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Acrylic paintings by Darla Dixon
Although I'm known more for my pencil portraits, I have always enjoyed painting. I've painted in different mediums, but so far, I've found acrylic paint to be the most practical for my needs.
I did these paintings to raise money for our local food bank. So far, about $350 has been raised. I've really been enjoying creating these paintings, so I will probably keep painting even after the art auctions end in October, 2010.

acrylic painting zebra darla dixon

Acrylic Painting of Zebra, 24"x24"
2010 / SOLD

Red eyed tree frog painting

Red Eyed Tree Frog, Acrylic, 14"x14"
2010 / SOLD

acrylic painting sea turtle seaturtle darla dixon

Sea Turtle, Acrylic
2010 / SOLD

Darla Dixon, Artist

Darla Dixon Portrait Art & Illustration

All Artwork and Content © Copyrighted - Darla Dixon, pencil drawing artist.

All text & images on this website are not for use in public domain. You may not reuse text or art for any other commercial uses.  Please request express, written permission from artist before copying anything from this site.

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